The Lazy Way to Solve Differential Equations
17 July 2022
Back at college I took some classes on solving differential equation. My favorite were certainly those from the Physics department, because they taught us all kinds of formulas, methods and series to actually compute the solutions instead obsessing over regularity and convergence issues1. A lot of the techniques, specially those for equations with analytic coefficients, sometimes felt a bit mechanical. In fact, it almost always goes like this: Get your equation, Taylor expand everything, collect terms by indices and then solve the recurrence relations to find Taylor series for the solution.
Well, some days ago João Paixão sent me a link to a paper from D. Pavlovic and M. H. Escardó2 called “Calculus in Coinductive Form”. In it the authors show that if we look at Taylor series as streams of real numbers, then solving these differential equations becomes as easy as writing them!
Of course, I got really excited with the idea and had to turn it into code. After all, that is the epitome of declarative programming! The paper is really readable, and I urge you to take a look at it. There are many mathematical details that I will not touch and even a whole discussion on how these same techniques apply to Laplace transforms. As an appetizer of what we are going to do, consider the initial value problem
y'' = -x^2 y + 2 y' + 4 \\ y(0) = 0,\; y'(0) = 1.
By the end of this post we gonna be able to solve this differential equation simply by writing the equivalent Haskell definition:
y = 0 :> 1 :> (-x^2) * y + 2 * diff y + 4
Calculus with Infinite Lists
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Data.Foldable (toList)
First, a disclaimer: I will not deal with convergence issues in this post. For us everything will be beautiful and perfect and analytic. Of course, since ignoring these things makes a chill run down my spine, let’s just agree that every time I say “smooth” I actually mean “analytic in a big enough neighbourhood around whatever points we are considering”. Nice, now it’s calculus time.
Our basic tool is the all too famous Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Consider a smooth function f; An application of the FTC tells us that any smooth f is uniquely determined by its value at a point a and its derivative:
f(a + x) = f(a) + \int_a^{a+x} f'(t) dt.
Ignoring all meaning behind the integral, derivative, evaluation etc. we can view this as a recipe: smooth functions are equivalent to pairs containing a number and another smooth function. I don’t know about you but this sounds a lot like a recursive datatype to me!
data Stream a = a :> Stream a
deriving (Functor, Foldable)
infixr 2 :>
The Stream a
datatype represents a list
with an infinite amount of elements. To see this all you
have to do is unfold the definition. In our context this
means that a smooth function may be represent by the
infinite list of its derivatives at a point:
f = f a :> f'
= f a :> f' a :> f''
= f a :> f' a :> f'' a :> f'''
= ...
Since the constructor (:>)
is our way
to represent the TFC, the above amounts to saying that
we can represent a (sufficiently regular) function by
its Taylor series. That is, by applying the TFC
recursively to the derivatives of f, we get
f(a + x) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty f^{(k)}(a) \frac{x^k}{k!}.
As expected, the info that actually depends on f are only its derivatives at a. In math, we represent this as a power series but, by linear independence, this is completely equivalent to the stream of its coefficients in the basis \{x^k/k!\}.
With this we’re done. Well… We’re not actually done, there is still a lot of cool stuff I want to show you. Nevertheless, the definition above is already enough to replicate the power series method of solving ODEs. Don’t believe me? Let’s solve some familiar equations then.
The exponential function is the unique solution to y' = y, y(0) = 1, which becomes the following recursion in Haskell:
= 1 :> ex ex
Let’s check the starting coefficients of
on ghci to confirm that they match the
derivative of \exp at
zero: are exactly the derivatives of the \exp:
ghci> take 10 (toList ex)
The way to define sine and cosine as the solutions to a system of ODEs in Haskell becomes a mutually recursive definition:
= 0 :> cosine
sine = 1 :> fmap negate sine cosine
As expected, these streams follow the same alternating pattern of 0, 1, 0, -1,\ldots as the Taylor coefficients.
ghci> take 10 (toList sine)
ghci> take 10 (toList cosine)
Even though we know how to calculate the Taylor coefficients they’re only means to an end. The main reason one wants to solve differential equations is to calculate functions, not series. Let’s then hack a poor man’s function approximation for these Taylor expansions. For simplicity, I will use a fixed amount of 100 coefficients. This works for this demonstration but in any real program, it is better to call upon some analysis to find out the right amount of terms for your desired error estimate. Let’s then create a higher order function that converts streams of real numbers into real valued functions.
-- | Turn a Stream f into a functional approximation
-- of its Taylor series around a point a.
-- That is, eval a f ≈ f(a + x)
eval :: Fractional a => a -> Stream a -> a -> a
= foldr1 (\ fa f' -> fa + (x - a) * f') (take 100 taylor)
eval a f x where
= zipWith (/) (toList f) factorials
taylor = let fats = 1 : zipWith (*) fats [1..]
factorials in fmap fromIntegral fats
With our evaluator in hand, it’s time to test our previous streams into some well-known values:
ghci> eval 0 ex 0
ghci> eval 0 ex 1
ghci> fmap (eval 0 sine) [0, pi/2, pi, 2*pi]
ghci> fmap (eval 0 cosine) [0, pi/2, pi, 2*pi]
Quite nice, huh? Just a few lines of code and we already have the power to solve and approximate some classical differential equations! All thanks to Haskell’s laziness and the TFC. Our solver is done, but the code still lacks a cleaner interface to manipulate streams and represent differential equations. Let’s define some functions to mitigate that.
From the previous discussion, we can get the derivative of a stream simply by dropping the first term.
-- | Taylor series representation of the derivative.
diff :: Stream a -> Stream a
:> f') = f' diff (_
It is possible to embed any constant as a stream with
derivative zero. Also, let’s define a stream
representing the identity function3 in order to make our
equations look a bit nicer.
-- | Taylor series for the constant zero.
zero :: Num a => Stream a
= 0 :> zero
-- | Taylor series for the identity function `f x = x`.
x :: Num a => Stream a
= 0 :> 1 :> zero x
Finally, our fellow mathematicians and physicists
that perhaps may use this code will certainly want to do
arithmetical manipulations on the series. We can achieve
that with the traditional Num
and Floating
instances. As usual with these Calculus posts, these
instances correspond to the well-known formulas for
derivatives. Let’s start with the arithmetic
instance Num a => Num (Stream a) where
-- Good ol' linearity
+) (fa :> f') (ga :> g') = fa + ga :> f' + g'
(-) (fa :> f') (ga :> g') = fa - ga :> f' - g'
(negate = fmap negate
-- Leibniz rule applied to streams
*) f@(fa :> f') g@(ga :> g') = fa * ga :> f' * g + f * g'
(fromInteger n = fromInteger n :> zero
abs = error "Absolute value is not a smooth function"
signum = error "No well-defined sign for a series"
instance Fractional a => Fractional (Stream a) where
-- The division rule from Calculus. We assume g(0) ≠ 0
/) f@(fa :> f') g@(ga :> g') = fa / ga :> (f' * g - f * g') / g^2
(fromRational n = fromRational n :> zero
For the Floating
instance, we will use
the chain rule and the fact that we know the derivatives
for all methods in the class. I recommend taking a look
at the implementation we did in a previous post for
Dual numbers. They are strikingly similar, which is
no coincidence of course. The main idea is that applying
an analytic g to the
stream of f if the same
as calculating the derivates for g \circ f. Thus, all our
methods will look like this:
g f = g (f a) :> g' f * f'
This is Haskell, so we can turn this idea into a
higher order function taking both g
and its
@(fa :> f') = g fa :> g' f * f' analytic g g' f
instance Floating a => Floating (Stream a) where
pi = pi :> zero
exp = analytic exp exp
log = analytic log recip
sin = analytic sin cos
cos = analytic cos (negate . sin)
asin = analytic asin (\x -> 1 / sqrt (1 - x^2))
acos = analytic acos (\x -> -1 / sqrt (1 - x^2))
atan = analytic atan (\x -> 1 / (1 + x^2))
sinh = analytic sinh cosh
cosh = analytic cosh sinh
asinh = analytic asinh (\x -> 1 / sqrt (x^2 + 1))
acosh = analytic acosh (\x -> 1 / sqrt (x^2 - 1))
atanh = analytic atanh (\x -> 1 / (1 - x^2))
With all those instances, we can give power series
the same first-class numeric treatment that they receive
in mathematics. For example, do you want to approximate
some complicated integral? Just use the Stream
that we previously defined:
ghci> erf = 0 :> exp (-x^2)
ghci> take 10 (toList erf)
Also, we’ve only dealt with linear equations until now but as long as everything is analytic, these methods readily extend to non-linear equations.
ghci> y = 0 :> 1 :> x^2 * cos (diff y) - x * sin y
ghci> take 10 (toList y)
Finally, we should discuss a couple caveats of this
method. Solving an ODE through a Taylor series can be
slow… That is why, in practice, this would only be used
for the most well-behaved equations. There is also the
issue of convergence that we decided to ignore during
this post. Not all
Floating a => a -> a
functions are
analytic everywhere and when this hypothesis doesn’t
hold, the method will just silently fail and return
garbage such as infinity
for the coefficients. Nevertheless,
this “automatic” solution is pretty much equivalent to
what one would do to solve this kind of equation by
hand, including these same issues. In fact, I would even
risk saying that the Haskell internals are much more
optimized than one could hope to be when solving by
This is indeed an automatic method
To sum everything up, I want to note a cool fact that I’ve only realized after writing the entire post: there is a direct relationship between this method of solving ODEs and forward-mode automatic differentiation!
When working with dual numbers, we define its numeric instances to obey \varepsilon^2 = 0, implying that for any analytic function it satisfies
f(a + \varepsilon) = f(a) + f'(a)\varepsilon.
This is equivalent to Taylor expanding f around a and truncating the series after the first order terms. However, nothing really forces us to stop there! Since the derivative of an analytic function is also analytic, we can again Taylor expand it to get the second derivative and so on. By recursively repeating this procedure we get the entire Taylor expansion. So, if instead of using a term \varepsilon that vanishes at second order, we apply f to a + x, we get all derivatives of f at a.
This is the same we have been doing all along with
Streams; the only difference being that we write
a :> 1
to represent a + x. So, similarly with
dual numbers, we can define a procedure to calculate
all derivatives of a polymorphic f at the point a by applying f to a suitable Stream.
-- | A Stream with all derivatives of f at a.
= f (a :> 1) diffs f a
This post gained life thanks to the enthusiasm of João Paixão and Lucas Rufino. João sent me the paper and we three had some fun chats about its significance, including becoming perplexed together about how little code we actually needed to implement this.
The Numeric.AD.Mode.Tower module of the ad package.
I hope my fellow mathematicians don’t excommunicate me for such a comment. D:↩︎
“Calculus in Coinductive Form,” in Proceedings of the 13th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS ’98 (USA: IEEE Computer Society, 1998), 408.↩︎
This is a terrible name to use in an actual top-level definition.↩︎