Memoization via Representables
18 September 2022
What is the most basic container type a language can have? Some people may answer vectors, others would go with hash tables, but in this post I am arguing in favor of functions. Yes, functions. Even though they aren’t generally seem as a data structure per se, we will see that most containers are in fact a way to represent a function with a given storage layout. To illustrate this “functions are containers” idea, let’s take a look at an application that tightly couples both concepts: memoization.
By the way, in case this is the first time you hear about it: memoization is a programming technique where instead of letting a function calculate the same value whenever it is called, we instead store the already calculated value somewhere and just do a lookup instead of redoing the entire calculation.
What I like the most in this post’s code is that we’re going to delve deeply into the realm of abstraction to then emerge with a concept with clear and practical applications!
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
import Numeric.Natural
import Data.Kind (Type)
Sequences are functions that do not forget
An important fact that is normally briefly alluded in any mathematics book and immediately forgotten by (almost) every reader is that whenever you see a subindex such as x_n, what it in fact denotes is a function application x(n).1 Now consider the datatype of infinite streams as in the previous post:
data Stream a = a :> Stream a
deriving Functor
infixr 5 :>
This type models sequences of type a
the kind of thing a mathematician would denote as \{x_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}.
Oh look, there’s a subindex there! Our previous
discussion tells us that we should be able to interpret
a Stream a
as a function
Natural -> a
. This is done by indexing:
we turn a stream xs
into the function that
takes n : Natural
to the nth element of
. The definition is recursive, as one
might expect:
-- Access the nth value stored in a Stream
streamIndex :: Stream a -> (Natural -> a)
:> _) 0 = x
streamIndex (x :> xs) n = streamIndex xs (n-1) streamIndex (_
Conversely, given any
f : Natural -> a
, we can form a stream
by applying f to each
natural number to form something like
[f 0, f 1, f 2, f 3,..., f n,...]
. Since
is a functor, we achieve this by
mapping f into the
stream of natural numbers:
-- Take f to [f 0, f 1, f 2, f 3, ...]
streamTabulate :: (Natural -> a) -> Stream a
= fmap f naturals where
streamTabulate f = 0 :> fmap (+1) naturals naturals
These functions are inverse to one another:
streamIndex . streamTabulate = id
streamTabulate . streamIndex = id
Meaning that we thus have a natural isomorphism
Stream a ≃ Natural -> a
. This is a
strong assertion and means that, mathematically
speaking, Streams and functions from the Naturals are
essentially the same thing. We are doing Haskell in
here, however, not pure math. And in a programming
language meant to run in a real computer, not only in
the realm of ideas, we also must take into account
something more: how are those types laid out into
In the case of functions, they are compiled to chunks
of instructions that calculate some value. Specially, if
you have some rather expensive function
f : Natural -> a
and have to calculate
f n
in many parts of your program for the
same n
, all work will have to be redone
each time to get that sweet value of type
.2 Streams,
on the other hand, are lazy infinite lists and, because
of Haskell’s call-by-need
evaluation strategy, its components remain saved
into memory for reuse.3
This last paragraph is the heart of memoization in Haskell: one does not memoize functions, one turns functions into data and the language automatically memoizes the data. I don’t know about you, but I find this very cool indeed.
Memoizing with recursion
A large inspiration to this post comes from the great introduction to memoization in the Haskell wiki. Thus, we will follow their lead and explore the Fibonacci sequence as a recurring example throughout this post.
I must admit that I find illustrating a recursion concept through the Fibonacci numbers kind of a cliché… Nevertheless, clichés have their upside in that you, the reader, will have seen them so much that may even perhaps feel familiar with what we will be doing here. The Fibonacci numbers are also a well-known example where memoization can make a function go from exponential to polynomial complexity. Well, let’s start with their usual recursive definition:
fibRec :: Num a => Natural -> a
0 = 0
fibRec 1 = 1
fibRec = fibRec (n-1) + fibRec (n-2) fibRec n
Although elegant, this definition is extremely
slow. Running fibRec 100
on ghci
already took much longer than I was disposed to wait…
The problem is that the recursion has to calculate the
same arguments a lot of times, leading to an exponential
Since the problem is overlapping calculations, we can
accelerate this function using memoization. But in this
case, just turning it into a stream is not enough,
because the fibRec
will still use the slow
definition to build each of the sequence’s component.
But fear nothing, there is a salvation! It starts by
writing the function in operator form, instead of using
recursion, just like we did with the Bellman Equation in
my previous post
about dynamic programming.
fibOp :: Num a => (Natural -> a) -> (Natural -> a)
0 = 0
fibOp v 1 = 1
fibOp v = v (n-1) + v (n-2) fibOp v n
You can think of fibOp
as one step of
the Fibonacci recursion, where v
is a
function that knows how to continue the process. Another
way to look at it, that is closer to the dynamic
programming view, is that if v
is an
estimation of the Fibonacci values then
fibOp v
will be an improved estimation
given the available information. No matter what view you
choose, the important part to us is that the fixed point
of fibOP
is fibRec
= let x = f x in x
fix f
fibNaive :: Num a => Natural -> a
= fix fibOp -- same as fibRec fibNaive
Where we called it fibNaive
because it
would be rather naive to do all this refactoring in
order to arrive at the exact same thing…
Alright, with fix
we have all the
necessary building blocks to accelerate our
calculations. It’s now time to fit them together! Before
fixing the operator, we will turn it into something that
“keeps a memory”. If we compose our tabulation function
with fibOp
, we get a function turns a
function v
into a Stream, over which we can
index to get back a function. In this case, however, the
same stream is shared for all arguments. Thus, the fixed
point indexes into this Stream during the recursion
process! Moreover, there is nothing specific to the
Fibonacci sequence in this process, so we can abstract
this procedure into a separate function.
streamMemoize :: ((Natural -> a) -> Natural -> a) -> Natural -> a
= fix (streamIndex . streamTabulate . f)
streamMemoize f
fibSmart :: Num a => Natural -> a
= streamMemoize fibOp fibSmart
Notice that by our previous discussion,
streamIndex . streamTabulate
. Thus, by construction,
and fibMemo
are also
equal as functions. Nevertheless, their runtime behavior
is considerably different! As Orwell would put it: in
terms of execution, some equals are more equal than
A Call for Representation
Very well, What is a function k -> a
after all? The textbook definition says it is a rule
that for each element of type k
a unique element of type a
. The previous
examples have shown us that there are data structures
which, in the sense above, behave a lot like functions.
For example, we saw how to convert between Streams and
functions and even used it to accelerate the calculation
of recursive functions. In the case of Streams, both
and streamTabulate
are natural transformations4, meaning that there
is a natural isomorphism between streams and functions
with Natural
as domain:
forall a. Stream a ≃ Natural -> a.
We call a functor isomorphic to a type of functions, a Representable Functor. Those have important applications in Category Theory because they are closely related to universal properties and elements. However, today we are interested in their more mundane applications, such as memoizing domains other than the Naturals.
In Haskell, we can codify being Representable as a typeclass. It must have an associated type saying to which function type the Functor is isomorphic, together with two natural transformations that witness the isomorphism.
class Functor f => Representable f where
type Key f :: Type
tabulate :: (Key f -> a) -> f a
index :: f a -> (Key f -> a)
-- Class laws:
-- index . tabulate = id
-- tabulate . index = id
As you can imagine, there is a Representable instance for Streams using what we have defined in the previous sections.
instance Representable Stream where
type Key Stream = Natural
index = streamIndex
= streamTabulate tabulate
Another interesting instance is for functions themselves! After all, the identity is, strictly speaking, a natural isomorphism.
instance Representable ((->) k) where
type Key ((->) k) = k
index = id
= id tabulate
With some type-level magic, we can write a generalized memoization procedure. It has a scarier type signure, since we’re striving for genericity, but the idea remains the same: precompose with tabulate and index before fixing. The function is essentially the same we wrote before for Streams but parameterized on our Representable Functor of choice.
-- | Memoize a recursive procedure using a Representable container of your choice.
memoize :: forall f a. Representable f => ((Key f -> a) -> (Key f -> a)) -> (Key f -> a)
= fix (index @f . tabulate . g) memoize g
We can recover our Stream-memoized Fibonacci by
telling memoize
that we choose
as the container:
fibSmart' :: Num a => Natural -> a
= memoize @Stream fibOp fibSmart'
The function above is the same as our “more manual”
from before. As a matter of fact,
even the naive recursion is case of these memoization
schemes! By using the Representable instance of
functions, the methods do nothing, and we get a
memoization scheme that has no storage. Well, this is
equivalent to our naive approach from before.
fibNaive' :: Num a => Natural -> a
= memoize @((->) Natural) fibOp fibNaive'
Speeding up the Fibonacci even more
With our Representable machinery all set, it would be a shame to end this post with just one example of memoization.5 So, let’s see how we can memoize the Fibonacci function using an infinite binary tree structure. This is a fun example to look at because the isomorphism is not as straightforward as with Streams and because it is much faster. We begin by defining our datatype.
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving Functor
By now, you should already know how the memoization works at a high-level, so we can just define it as before.
fibTree :: Num a => Natural -> a
= memoize @Tree fibOp fibTree
Alright, how are these Tree
representable? In the case of Stream
s, the
relation was clear: we kept decreasing the index and
advancing on the Stream until the index was zero. And
this amounted to recursing on a unary representation of
the Naturals: we advanced at a successor and stopped at
zero. The secret to translate this idea to
s is to look at a natural number as
written in binary. I personally find this relation
easier to explain with a drawing. So, while we index
Streams with a linear approach,
For Trees, we index using a breadth-first approach.
By the way, I don’t know if the figure above makes it
clear since we are starting with zero, but this
arrangement is equivalent to branching on the based on
the number’s evenness. We descend left on odd numbers
and right on even numbers. The crucial part of this
representation is that we are able to reach the n-th
index in O(log n)
steps, instead of the
steps required for the Stream. Alright,
it’s time to turn all this talking into a proper
Let’s begin with some helpers to make the evenness check more explicit.
data Eveness = Even | Odd
evenness :: Integral a => a -> Eveness
= if odd n then Odd else Even
evenness n
instance Representable Tree where
type Key Tree = Natural
We tabulate a function using the same ideas as for Streams: create a Tree of natural numbers and map the function over it. The tree is created by branching into even and odd numbers.
= fmap f nats where
tabulate f = Node 0
nats fmap (\ n -> 2*n + 1) nats)
(fmap (\ n -> 2*n + 2) nats) (
For indexing, we test for the number’s evenness and branch accordingly until we’re looking for the zeroth index.
index (Node a _ _) 0 = a
index (Node _ l r) n = case evenness n of
Odd -> index l (div n 2)
Even -> index r (div n 2 - 1)
With this we finish our stroll through memoization-land. By the way, this post is a literate haskell file. Thus, I really recommend you to take the functions in it and try some benchmarks to see how much the memoization helps. From my own tests in ghci, the Tree Fibonacci is much faster than the other two. But compiling with optimizations, the Stream approach gets much faster, so I might need a better benchmark in there.
- Much of the Fibonacci example is adapted from the Haskell wiki page on memoization.
- Chapter 14 of Bartosz Milewski’s great book Category Theory for Programmers.
- The adjunctions package on Hackage.
I must comment, perhaps to the abhorrence of my Haskell readers, that I’m rather fond Fortran. One thing I like about it is how the language uses the same syntax to denote vector indexing and function application: x(n).↩︎
In fact, not all work must be necessarily redone. If we are calculating
f n
twice in the same context, the compiler may be smart enough to do some sharing and only calculate it once. Of course, this works in Haskell thanks to the magic of referential transparency.↩︎Well, at least until the next gc pass if it is not in the top-level.↩︎
In Haskell, any polymorphic function
h :: forall a. F a -> G a
, whereF
are functors, is a natural transformation.↩︎Well, two if you count the naive approach.↩︎